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Intellectual Property

Business Services

Best Best & Krieger attorneys can assist with a broad range of matters involving protection of intellectual property assets and asserting and confirming intellectual property rights.

Our IP lawyers are focused on protecting a variety of intellectual assets including inventions, software design, original artistic works, internet domain names, business and product names, images and designs.


Branding Your Business

Running a successful business involves more than finding marketable products and services.  An important part to the success of every business, from governmental entities to private sector businesses, is the coordinated branding of your company's image.  This requires reserving appropriate Internet domain names and consistent use of logos and company trademarks.  We can help you to select names or words and phrases that can be protected and are available to you for branding and marketing purposes.

Copyright Protection and Infringement Litigation

We are highly experienced in federal court litigation involving computer software copyright infringement.  BB&K attorneys regularly deal with defusing and defending claims for copyright infringement with the goal of preventing litigation.  We can also help with your copyright registration needs.

International Registration and Protection of Valuable Trademarks

Our IP attorneys regularly register valuable trademarks through the Madrid Protocol, covering the European market, Asia, Canada, and elsewhere around the world.  As part of its services, BB&K has developed relationships with international correspondents that allow for quick and efficient registration of trademarks through virtually every international trademark office.  We are also able to assist you in protecting your internationally registered marks, helping to avoid infringements from those who would seek to take advantage of your important intellectual property.

Internet Law, Domain Name Registration and Protection, and E-Business

We have extensive experience in handling legal issues in the ever developing arena of the Internet.  BB&K can assist in protecting your domain names by domain name registration and aiding in dispute resolution involving domain names.  We have successfully resolved domain dispute matters in various forums, including prosecuting complaints before the World Intellectual Property Organization and the National Arbitration Forum.  BB&K’s intellectual property practice increasingly involves internet-based businesses and transactions that require an in-depth understanding of intellectual property rights in a digital and global environment.  Our attorneys blend their expertise in technology, electronic commerce, intellectual property, and corporate services to assist our clients with all of their e-business needs.

IP Audits

Let BB&K assist you in creating an inventory of your valuable intellectual property.  Our experience has shown that over time, businesses develop a number of valuable IP assets.  However, ownership may be in the names of different people within the organization, or insufficient efforts are employed to protect these valuable interests.  Through our cost-efficient approach, we can help you create the inventory you need, and make recommendations on how to improve the safeguards needed to protect your valuable interests.

Technology Acquisition by Public Agencies

BB&K has extensive experience assisting municipalities and public agencies in the preparation of RFP documents and the negotiation of agreements for the acquisition or licensing of technology and software.  We understand the special issues which public entities must address when budgeting and implementing major technology projects.

Technology Transactions and Licensing

Issues concerning the development and use of technology are pervasive in our modern economy and require an informed approach to commercial transactions.  Whether you are a provider or consumer of technology or technology-related services, BB&K attorneys have extensive experience in diverse transactions involving the development, acquisition, sale, licensing, and use of technology and software.  We can assist you in properly identifying and addressing the issues that impact your business or organization.

Trademark Protection and Dispute Resolution

Whether you are facing litigation over trademark rights and ownership or you wish to obtain the maximum protection for your trademarks through registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, or on a more limited basis through state trademark registrations, our attorneys have extensive experience in trademark infringement litigation at the state and federal level and we have an excellent record with trouble-free trademark registrations.

Trade Secrets

BB&K is regularly involved in issues involving trade secret protection and litigation, and in advising companies regarding general intellectual property protection strategies.

Watch Services

Concerned that competitors around the world may seek to benefit from the goodwill you have developed through the successful marketing of your valuable trademarks?  Our attorneys can assist you through established "watch services" that will alert you to similar or identical sounding names that may infringe on your registered marks. This important service can alert you to pending registrations and allow you to file timely objections that can save your business the loss of substantial goodwill through similar marks being used in the same field as the goods and services produced by your business.


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