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BB&K's Sophie Akins Talks About Why Water Districts Are Going Green

BB&K In The News

Agencies Find That Installing Solar Panels Saves Money

MAY 16, 2010
The San Diego Union-Tribune

Some of the biggest producers of solar power in San Diego County aren’t power companies, they’re water agencies.
That’s because they have a combination of lots of space — the tops of their huge water tanks -— and high energy usage.

Most of the systems actually are owned by companies that sell the power they produce to the districts at a discount from what they would pay San Diego Gas & Electric Co. The move to add solar is really a money-saving measure, water officials say.

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The projects give the water districts an opportunity to promote themselves as green, but, as public agencies, they have to make sure rates are as low as possible, said Sophie Akins, a lawyer for several local water districts.

“The primary reason for my clients, or other water agency clients, to undertake solar is to save money,” Akins said.

Water rates have been on the rise, and finding a reliable source of power at a fixed or nearly fixed price helps, she said.

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